Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How to choose an essay topic for your college applicaiton essay

Most colleges ask applicant to come up with a topic that is individual and unique to the applicant. This can be difficult but there are plenty of things you can write about, you just need to look long and hard to find them. Please find the popular college application essays in the college application essay topics library. Then do the following 8 eliminations.

  1. Eliminate What Can’t Be Expanded
  2. Eliminate The Clich
  3. Eliminate The Pity Party
  4. Eliminate The Offensive
  5. Eliminate Dishonesty
  6. Eliminate The Negative
  7. Eliminate What’s Outside of You
  8. Eliminate the Lackluster
For the full explanations,instructions and more you can visit the article How to choose an essay topic for your student admission essay.

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